#1 Diet Advice

Let me start by saying...I am not a doctor (but I pretend to be one online, haha).  This is how I live my life and what I am teaching my children.  I strongly believe in everything I am saying, but I am not a professional.  Don't just take my word for it, do your own research and consult a doctor before making any life changes.

Now for that mind blowing news:

Here is the WHOLE story that all of the companies selling you Dreams of being Thin (and I don't believe THIN is the goal anyway) don't want you to know...Maintaining a healthy weight is easy and it is not complicated!!! Here it is the BIG DIET SECRET...you will not have a weight problem if you eat nutrient dense foods!! I wish I could make a lot of money by sharing this information and freeing people from a lifelong battle with calories and unwanted pounds.  But the truth is that it is just that simple and it absolutely FREE to start living a healthy life.  There is no magic potion, pill, pre-packaged meals or tricks to learn.  I find it so liberating to finally listen to my body and eat delicious food!!!

I do not count calories I just eat real food!!!  I don't worry about the fat and calories in butter when I cook.  I worry about the additives that lurk in processed food.  I used to crave Fritos, potato chips, etc until I stopped eating them and all other process food.  Before if I wanted to loose weight it took A LOT of will power to stop eating these foods.  And I could do it for a little while...UNTIL I would give in and then it was all downhill from there.  But since I have cut processed food out of my life they don't have the hold on me that they used to, in fact I don't even think about them let alone miss them. It is easy to maintain my weight and it takes zero will power. I eat when I am hungry and I stop when I am full.  I can finally hear when my body is done eating.  I don't have this nagging thought in my head that I need to eat more even though I am stuffed.

When people eat food they need to look at the WHOLE food and not just parts of the food like calories, fat grams, or fiber.  Food is supposed to work together for a total package of nutrition.  There is no one miracle food that has everything our bodies need.  The foods we eat work together to give us complete nutrition.  By eating quality foods that have dense nutritional values we are giving our bodies more opportunities to get what it needs instead of eating empty and potentially harmful foods that don't add anything to our health but in fact deplete us of our overall health.

I am not asking you to buy into some crazy, irrational, or off the wall idea.  All you need to do is look at your own lifestyle and the people around you to understand what I am saying.  I am urging people to think about the food we are eating and feeding our kids!!!  Without naming names, how many people do you know who are an unhealthy weight, how many are taking medicine everyday, how many have food sensitivities/allergies, how many have stomach, GI, or bowel issues?  How many have high blood pressure or high cholesterol?  Science has brought us many advances to live longer and improve our quality of life BUT I don't believe it is all good.  Science should stay out of our food!!!

I dare you to make a list of ALL the ingredients you eat in one day. Look on the back of the packages and write down ALL of the ingredients in that "food".  How many of those items can you pronounce? How many of the items are you familiar with and know what they actually are?  And finally, how many of the items would you use to if you were to make the food from scratch in your own kitchen?  When you take a hard look at the amount of chemicals you are consuming in one day I hope that will inspire you to make a change.  PS ~ that list of ingredients doesn't include the chemicals sprayed on the crops, the chemicals used (but are not actual ingredients) in the process of making the packaged food, the hormones added, or if the food has been irradiated.  If you ask me...this is some pretty scary stuff!!!

I believe this...God made wonderful nutritious food for us to eat.  And He made different foods available during each season.  I believe that the food available during a particular season is the food that our bodies need at that time.  Think about it!!!  I try to eat food as close to the way God intended it to be!!  As soon as corporations get involved the nutritional value and quality of the food diminishes.  God knows what He is doing and He knows what is best for us.  God is faithful and He provides for us!!!

With my WHOLE Heart~

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