Why I Choose to Avoid GMO's for My Family

I can't avoid this hot topic in my blog because I feel that everyone should have the right to know what is in their food.  This should be used as a starting point and then continue with your own research to decide what is best for your family.  I am not an expert in food science but more importantly I am a mother.  My goal is not to make money, my goal is raise healthy kids!!  This is the conclusion that I have come to after doing my own research.  I just ask that you take the time to investigate what you are feeding your family. Please don't just listen to the corporations who will make money by selling you their products (I can't even call most of it food anymore).

Here I go...
The use and labeling of GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) is being discussed in the news and politics but I think most people aren't even aware it is an issue.  GMO's have been in our food supply for 20 years.  It wasn't until 2 years ago that I realized what I was eating and what I was feeding my family.  And I got VERY upset when I figured it all out.  

I love research (even though it is exhausting)!! It is very difficult to research GMO's because almost all of the research is done by the companies who make money on the sales of the GMO's.  Therefore, the findings in most studies are not objective.  So it was very difficult to find ALL different point of views when doing my research. 

There are some questions that I keep asking when it comes to GMO's  that I find alarming.  1.  Why is there such an opposition to labeling them?   2. If the people who are making and selling this product are so proud of it why won't they label it?! 

I have been researching GMO's for 2 years now and I am not convinced that they are good for my family or the environment!! I do not want to eat them!! I should have a right to know what is in my food. Right now that is my biggest concern. The FDA obviously has a different standard as to what qualifies as food than I do (not just GMO's but, preservatives, colorings, flavorings, and food chemicals as well). 

In keeping with my own philosophy that the WHOLE picture must be taken into account, I don't believe that GMO's are good.  I don't think they are good for the environment, good for our health, good for farmers, or good for the community.  When I first started uncovering all of this information I got very upset and anxious.  I was OBSESSED with this new overwhelming information.  And it was all I could think about and talk about.  I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders during this time.  But I was forgetting to look at MY WHOLE STORY...I was forgetting that God is in control.  I prayed about this topic and found peace.  I can educate others and I choose what to feed my family without OBSESSING!!!

If anyone has nasty comments that they want to express I would point them again to my questions I posed above.  I don't think that we should be using GMO's but at this point I would just settle for labeling.  And I don't understand why that is even an issue.  It seems like a no brainer...just label the GMO's and let me decide what to feed my family.  Currently, we buy only organic food because it is the best way to avoid GMO's.

With my WHOLE Heart,


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